Special Duties
The Special Duties Unit is one that functions directly under the Strategy, Policy Projects and Performance Management Office. The main objective of the Unit is to set-up the necessary mechanisms for the Monitoring, Evaluation and Coordination of selected special projects and decisions of the Edo State Government.
- Our Mandate:
- To setup the necessary mechanism for the monitoring, evaluation and implementation of selected special projects and decisions of Governor.
- Coordinate selected special engagements of the Governor with internal and external stakeholders to ensure service improvement and efficiency.
- Vision:
To be a world-class Nation builder and liaison between the Edo State Government and essential stakeholders, with a strong Research & Developed environment where excellent service delivery and safety will be a culture.
- Mission:
To effectively equip and establish appropriate synergy between the Strategy office, MDAs, key stakeholders, and the public to ensure service improvement and efficiency through Innovation, Research, and Development.

- Monitor implementation of selected Edo State Government special projects and decisions.
- Develop/Review and compile selected speeches and presentations by the Governor.
- Coordinate selected Special Engagements of the State Government with internal and external stakeholders to ensure service improvement and efficiency.
- Serve as secretariat or provide advisory/input for selected special committees and special projects set-up by the State Government.
- Relations with the organized private sector, where appropriate.
- Supervision and Monitoring of Special Programmes.
- Any other duties as may assigned by the Governor.
- Edo Master & Regional Plan Project
- EDSG Fleet Management Project
- EDSG Archiving Project
Retreats/Stakeholder Workshops:
- Edo State Waste Management Stakeholders Engagement.
- Infrastructure Retreat.
- Health Sector Retreat.
- Ministry of Physical Planning, Urban and Regional Development Retreat.
- MSDGI Stakeholders Summit.
- EDSG Communication Sector Retreat.
- Edo State Access to Arable Land Workshop.
- EDSG Leadership Mid- Year Retreat.
- EDSG External Stakeholders Engagement On Tourism Master plan.
- EDSG Workplace Mobility Solution Workshop.